lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Page 102 Policies for happiness

Exercise A :
1.-Happiness is important to the economy because happy workers are more effective.
2.- Happy people contribute more to their communities in terms of volunteering.
3.-  It stimulate people to do extra things as a result they have a better behave to their communities.

Exercise C:
1.-  Goverments can have an effect on people's health, in addition, they can affect their well being.
2.- Some goverments measure their nation's happiness as well as, their GNP.
3.- Happy people take fewer sick days. Furthermore they tend to be more productive at work.
4.- An economic recession is bad for a country. It makes people unhappy moreover.
5.- People in happier countries have a shorter work week in addition to they get more vacation time.
6.- People are responsible for their own health in addition to for creating their own happiness.

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